How do I open a project?

Downloadable software:

To open a new project, just click on the logo of the page setting editor of your Windows desktop. The software will open on the homepage screen where you can make your choice between Photobook, Diaries, Maps, Canvases.

There are two ways to open an existing project:
- Click on your file with the extension .ABM.
- Click on the logo of page setting editor of your Windows desktop, then click on "Open an existing project" and select the file with the .ABM extension that matches your existing project. 

On-line software:

To open a new project with on-line software just visit our homepage and click on "Start". Then click on "I use on-line software" and select your product.

To open an existing project with on-line software just connect to "My Account", click on "My projects", and then on "Edit".